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Redmonder Inkarnationen von der Idee eines Betriebssystems

  • Im Bett mit Microsoft

    “Preise für Ohne-Service auf Anfrage, aber warum wollen Sie dafür eigentlich zahlen? Gehen Sie doch mal in die Open Source-Disco. Und lassen Sie sich von Microsoft keine Angst einjagen. Keine Sorge, in diesem Artikel kommt ABSOLUT KEINE TECHNIK vor!”

    Lesenwerter Artikel der für jedermann verständlich die Microsoft’schen satirisch darstellt. Vielen Dank an der Autor diese Textes.

  • Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going

    Was Sie wissen sollten, bevor Sie Windows einsetzen.
    Wirklich lesenwert!


    • “November 15, 2002: Bruce Schneier recommends this article. Bruce Schneier, well-known computer security analyst, said in his November 15 newsletter [counterpane.com] that this article is “A well-written analysis of the major security/ privacy/ stability concerns of Windows XP.” Mr. Schneier wrote the books Applied Cryptography and Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World, and other books [counterpane.com].
    • “This article is support for your own investigation. Use this article to support your own thinking and investigation. It is not intended as direct advice. If you don’t have enough technical knowledge to evaluate the information presented here, please do not simply believe the author of this article. To avoid misunderstanding, find someone with technical knowledge who can help you.”
    • “It also seems possible that there is a connection between the huge number of defects and the U.S. government’s friendly treatment of Microsoft’s law-breaking [usdoj.gov]. The U.S. government’s CIA and FBI and NSA departments spy on the entire world, and unpatched vulnerabilities in Microsoft software help spies.”
    • “A government that uses proprietary software is not an independent government. A government that wants to be independent of other governments, or that represents itself as controlled by its own people, can use proprietary software only if there is easy access to the source code. (The source code is the original instructions in which the software was written.) This is because it is possible for someone to put instructions in proprietary software to spy on or to sabotage government operations.”
    • “It is possible that the only real effect of Microsoft’s shared source policy is to cripple an organization’s best programmers, so that they cannot work in any field in which Microsoft has an interest.”
    • Auszüge aus ” Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going”.

  • Linux vs. Windows Viruses

    “To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it.”
    “Um einen Linux PC aus dem Tritt zu bringen, musst Du gezielt dran arbeiten. Um einen Windows PC aus dem Tritt zu bekomen, braucht Du n ur damit zu arbeiten” Scott Granneman 2.20.2003

  • Warum man auf Windows verzichten kann…

    Eine ältere Punkt für Punkt Analyse von Daniel Schlunk.

  • Microsoft crash gallery

    Eine Sammlung von Bildschirmphotos (Screenshots) und Information rund um Fensterabstürze.